Creative Expression,

Your Way

Meet Nell

Mom of 4, master expressionist, maker of magic. 

I aim to bring workshops that empower learning and emphasize joy, creative expression, truth, and curiosity.

Expression is vital to human wellness. Workshops are where we share, learn, communicate and connect; where collaboration and engagement flourish, and resources evolve out of thin air. Where inspiration is both sought and found as we share impactful experiences, together. Workshops create opportunity and are essential for growth, development, and integration, at the individual and community level across all

What We Offer

Workshops for all forms of expression


Holistic Expressive Arts Renaissance Team @ Dormouse Theatre

Painting With Nell O.

Every other Tuesday and Wednesday @ KalamazooKitty Marketplace

Creative Coaching Group Sessions

ArtKart - A creative space for artists to create and collaborate

Explore Additional Workshops!

Learn more ways to get expressive with us!

We Think you Can Fit in One of Our Workshops

We Think One of Our Workshops Will Fit Your Needs Ready to check which workshops are available? You can click the button to see all our available workshops or you can call us for a free consultation!

Contact Us!

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Want to book?

Give us a call, shoot us email, or stop in!

Our Location

581 Romence Rd., Portage, MI 49024

Get In Touch


Marketplace Hours

Tues-Sat 10-6